As Messengers

In collaboration with Emilia Tapprest

Research supported by Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at the University of Amsterdam; production generously funded by Mondriaan Fonds

Currently on view at Allard Pierson in Amsterdam, NL

As Messengers explores how ever-changing social imaginaries enmesh humans with the biosphere. A cast of characters traverse five alternative timelines, revealing a kaleidoscopic array of speculative ‘historical forks’: critical junctures where alternative relationalities could have unfolded. In these scenarios — and the transitional zones in between — other species act as messengers of the ongoing biodiversity crisis.

Featuring: Türkü Köksel, Hank Botwinik, Fruzsina Nagy, Negiste Yesside Johnson, Jochem de Groot, Susan Joyce, Gaba Ssantó, Justin Samgar de Verteller, Lu Wang, Judy Young, Erika Minderop, Alaska Veldt and Tristan the hawk, Chauncey Meeks-Owens, and Gustavo Ruben Valenzuela

Creative producer, casting director, and production manager: Marta Lillioja
Director of photography: Ruben van Weelden

Sound and music: Richard Burki
Editor: Marre Bonke
Visual effects/animation: Sakke Soini

(full credits to follow)