Medicine Men
Medicine Men examines cyclical patterns, a web of relations, and genealogies in relation to medicine, economy, and power (following the Rockefeller Family) on the one hand and to cosmic and psychic forces (following myths of snakes/serpents) on the other hand. I present photographs, video, objects, books, and various historic material in a sculptural installation which shifts between workshop, lab, office, and museum.
A vast number of serpents are twisted together in summer
Headdress: Serpent (A-Mantsho-ña-Tshol, roughly “master of medicine”) from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1964
Water-snake receiving its young into its mouth
Skype conversation from Rockefeller Archive Center with a medium / Searching for medicinal plants at the Rockefeller homestead near Richford, NY
A Ball of Snakes
in lieu
Rainbow formation (Nujol study in mechanism of action)
The Hoop Snake, According to Popular Stories